About Me
I grew up in the seaside town of Southport in the north west of England during the 1970s and 1980s. This was before anyone had even heard of the internet and Dungeons & Dragons was cutting edge. Living in a house where every available wall was given over to bookshelves, I discovered fantasy writers like JRR Tolkien, Michael Moorcock, Ursula Le Guin, Alan Garner, Stephen Donaldson and Susan Cooper. Those stories led me into the science fiction worlds created by Frank Herbert, Philip K Dick, Arthur C Clarke and HP Lovecraft.
After training to become a lawyer I lived in London for three years before moving to Yorkshire in 1999, where I’ve worked ever since in a variety of legal, commercial, financial and management roles. My writing began as a hobby in my early twenties and has gradually grown into my second career. I write epic fantasy that will appeal to fans of Joe Abercrombie, John Gwynne and Robin Hobb.
I currently live in Derbyshire with my patient wife and two children.
Author Interviews, Podcasts, PANELS & GUEST BLOGS
16th March 2025 - Spotlight Indie #2 Roll for Insight
HL Tinsley does her best to keep me on task as I ask guest Thomas J Devens the difficult questions. Should I have read the brief beforehand? Probably. Was there anarchy? Only a little.
14th March 2025 - FanFiAddict
Witness me at my most manic in this great podcast episode for FanFiAddict with Frasier Armitage. We discuss the creative process behind the Hall of Bones audiobook and how it made me fall back in love with my debut novel.
2nd March 2025 - Spotlight Indie #1 Good News
In the absence of anyone better being available, I had the opportunity to guest host for the Spotlight Indie podcast, where we talked to our special guest Thomas J Devens. Find out more about Thomas's books and hear about lots of other good news stories from the indie writing scene.
16th February 2025 - The Fantasy Files
After their help supporting the Hall of Bones Audiobook Kickstarter campaign last year I return as a guest on The Fantasy Files podcast with RJ Bayley to celebrate the successful completion of the project. In a wide-ranging discussion we talk about the creative process between author and narrator and what happens when you turn a novel into an interesting and engaging audio experience.
25th January 2025 - Brotherhood of the Eagle Deep Dive Chat
PL Stuart kindly hosted this podcast with book reviewer Alan Behan from FanFiAddict and fellow author Douglas Lumsden. All three are big fans of The Brotherhood of the Eagle series and we had a great discussion covering what they enjoyed about the story and the characters.
At 26:40 the podcast moves from general chat about the series into more in-depth conversation where there are some major spoilers if you’ve not read all four books in the series. You have been warned!
13th January 2025 - Queen’s Book Asylum
Queen's Book Asylum were kind enough to give me a guest spot on their blog. This was a chance for me to reflect on publishing Broken Brotherhood and my feelings on finishing the series. There's also an update on the Hall of Bones audiobook, including the official playlist!
4th January 2025 - The Fantasy & Sci-Fi Fanatic’s Podcast
I chat with fellow author Daniel Coolbaugh about our respective writing journeys and how our current projects are progressing. I also reflect on the inspirations for The Brotherhood of the Eagle and my writing process.
15th December 2024 - Six Elementals
PL Stuart interviews me on his channel to discuss The Brotherhood of the Eagle. We talk about what it was like to finish the series and reflect on what we enjoyed about each of the books as well as our favourite characters. We’re planning a deep dive follow up session in 2025 with some of the series’ fans so look out for that one as well.
15th December 2024 - Spotlight Chewing
Alongside Charlie Cavendish from Four Beardsmen and FanFiAddict, I was delighted to be invited back as a guest for Spotlight Chewing’s end of year wrap up show. We talk about our highlights of the past year, the authors we have enjoyed and which writers you should be looking out for in 2025.
13th December 2024 - The Four Beardsmen of the Bookpocalypse
A Christmas themed podcast, as the Four Beardsmen warmly welcome me and HL Tinsley for an evening of festive chat. This episode covers our current projects, book recommendations and unusual Christmas traditions we all thought were perfectly normal until we shared them with someone else.
10th November 2024 - Spotlight Chewing
This Spotlight Chewing interview with Steve and HL Tinsley from Page Chewing was a lot of fun. We talk about the emotion of finishing a long-term project, the indie publishing scene, the pressures faced by indie writers in a competitive market and much more!
25th August 2024 - In the Spotlight
An interview which literally delivers fake fireworks and terrible pyrotechnical advice, plus an overview of what I’ll be doing at the Fantasy & Sci-Fi Spotlight event. Once we managed to find the official script, Frasier Armitage and I moved on to talk about how important plotting is when it comes to writing a short story, standalone novel or a full series. We also discuss my Kickstarter project and the production and creative process behind A Roll of the Dice.
21st April 2024 - The Marmites
Author PL Stuart is the host as some of the members of my writing group, affectionately known as the Marmites, come together for an in-depth chat. Together with HL Tinsley, Bjørn Larssen and Lee C Conley we talk about the importance of having an honest, safe and supportive network as a creative writer. This group really does mean the world to me.
5th April 2024 - Paper Tiger Podcast
Everything you ever wanted to know about Kickstarter funding for audiobooks but were afraid to ask! Hosted by Delilah Waan, I’m joined by MT Zimny and Steve D Wall to discuss the Kickstarter platform and what we learned from our experiences on our own projects. This is a two hour podcast so it covers a lot of ground - an invaluable resource for other authors if you’re thinking of starting your own project.
3rd April 2024 - FanFiAddict Podcast
A wide-ranging live interview with Frasier Armitage for FanFiAddict, talking about the Hall of Bones Kickstarter project but also my writing journey, how audiobooks are made and why opportunities to collaborate are so important. If you watch one video that really gets to the heart of why this is my passion and why this project was so important to me, this is probably the one.
29th March 2024 - Page Chewing Friday Conversation
I had a guest spot as host on Page Chewing’s Friday Conversation, where I interviewed Emily Inkpen and Chris Gregory, the co-creators of the sci-fi audio drama series The Dex Legacy. We discuss how the show was written, casting the actors, creating the audio effects and much more. If you listen to this podcast episode you’ll quickly realise I’m a huge fan of this show and with good reason, since Season 2 of The Dex Legacy won the 2023 BSFA Award for Audio Fiction.
26th March 2024 - FanFiAddict Interview
I talk to DB Rook about why I wanted to make the audiobook version of Hall of Bones and why RJ Bayley was my choice as narrator. We also discuss some of the characters and my feelings as the end of the series approaches.
16th March 2024 - The Fantasy Files Podcast
The Fantasy Files Podcast hosts a discussion with me and RJ Bayley. We cover what Hall of Bones is about, why the audiobook format is so important and the role of Kickstarter in making these creative projects a reality. This one also gives me the opportunity to go off on a small rant about why AI has absolutely no business being involved in the creative arts.
14th March 2024 - The Dripping Bucket Podcast #2
In the second part of my discussion with Krystle Matar and Michael R Fletcher we delve into what it takes to get a Kickstarter fundraiser off the ground, what it's like to work with the amazingly talented voice artists in this community, and how collaborative creative ventures can be the most rewarding of all.
12th March 2024 - Queen’s Book Asylum
Bjørn Larssen does his best over on Queen's Book Asylum to get me to enthuse about the Hall of Bones Kickstarter project, forgetting I'm British.
11th March 2024 - Geoff Jones & Friends Make it Better
In theory this was an attempt at promo for the Hall of Bones Audiobook Kickstarter. What emerged during this discussion with host Geoff Jones and fellow guest RJ Bayley was an in-depth look at the problems posed by social media and how (with a bit of help from Batman) we could make the whole experience better.
8th March 2024 - Page Chewing Friday Conversation
I join my co-hosts at Page Chewing, Steve and Paromita, together with voice actor RJ Bayley to discuss audiobooks. We talk about their key role in reaching wider audiences. We also discuss the different ways in which people experience stories, and the importance of giving them a choice, rather than forcing everyone down a single route.
7th March 2024 - The Dripping Bucket Podcast #1
I talk to Krystle Matar and Michael R Fletcher about my independent publishing journey. I made plenty of mistakes along the way, but still found a path into the wonderfully welcoming indie writing community. In this podcast I share my reflections on how I got there and what's on the horizon for my career.
7th December 2023 - Queen’s Book Asylum
I join Queen's Book Asylum to talk about my latest writing projects, including The Brotherhood of the Eagle, A Quiet Vengeance and The Anatomy of Fear, as well as my interests and influences. I also share my thoughts on what every aspiring writer should think about before publishing their first book.
3rd November 2023 - Page Chewing Friday Conversation
Page Chewing's Friday Conversation featured The Anatomy of Fear fantasy horror anthology. Together with HL Tinsley and Zamil Akhtar, we discuss making the anthology, the themes we used and even indulge in some group therapy.
3rd November 2023 - Sue’s Musings
I contribute a guest blog for Norsevember 2023, looking at the origins behind my Viking-inspired fantasy series, The Brotherhood of the Eagle.
30th September 2023 - Page Chewing
Book bloggers Taylor from Maed Between The Pages and PL Stuart host another episode of Page Chewing to discuss the horror anthology The Anatomy of Fear. I was joined by fellow contributors LL MacRae, Lee C Conley & Ryan Howse to discuss what horror means to us and the experience of collectively working with such a talented group of writers.
10th July 2023 - Indie Spotlight
Sue Bavey features me on her blog, which showcases the work of independently published authors each week. This covers my own writing journey, advice for other authors and upcoming projects.
2nd July 2023 - FanFiAddict
FanFiAddict were kind enough to invite me to take part in a Q&A to discuss A Quiet Vengeance, my thoughts on entering SPFBO9 and my future plans.
9th June 2023 - Page Chewing
HL Tinsley presents a guest blog for Page Chewing, where she invited me to talk about my love of role playing games back in the 1980s and 1990s and how this influenced my writing.
11th April 2023 - Geoff Jones & Friends Make It Better
I join Geoff Jones on his podcast once more for another light-hearted discussion. This time round, we look at the challenges introverted novelists face when confronted by the horrible truth that they need to promote their own books.
8th April 2023 - The Fantasy Review
An interview with The Fantasy Review, looking at what inspired the novel A Quiet Vengeance and why it’s structured in the way it is.
17th March 2023 - Page Chewing Friday Conversation
I enjoyed taking part in this discussion with fellow author Jacob Sannox on the Page Chewing Friday Conversation podcast, hosted by Steve Talks Books, PL Stuart and Taylor from Maed Between the Pages. Run time is a couple of hours, so one to watch with a cup of coffee or a glass of something stronger. We talk about writing, our influences and dealing with the ongoing struggle with imposter syndrome, amongst various topics.
6th February 2023 - Before We Go Blog
Before We Go Blog features an interview by HL Tinsley with three of the contributing authors involved in the fantasy horror anthology The Anatomy of Fear. Sean Crow and LL MacRae join me to talk about our influences, the appeal of horror as a genre and our personal fears. Check out the Kickstarter fundraiser for more details if you want to help us publish this collection.
31st January 2023 - The Fantasy Files Podcast
The Fantasy Files Podcast hosts a special episode, featuring the fantasy horror anthology The Anatomy of Fear. I’m joined by fellow contributing authors HL Tinsley, Jacob Sannox and Sean Crow to discuss our Kickstarter fundraiser and how we plan to bring this collection of short stories to life.
8th November 2022 - The Process of Publication
James Lloyd Duthin's The Process of Publication blog series is aimed at helping new authors navigate the world of independent publishing. It was fun reflecting on my journey as an author over the past two years. I've learnt a lot during that time and I hope my contribution helps others avoid some of my mistakes.
18th October 2022 - Geoff Jones & Friends Make It Better
I emerge from hiding as my agent tells me I have to get out there and promote my new book. That’s how I found myself on Geoff Jones’s podcast, dealing with life’s little annoyances and working out how to make the world a better place. In this episode Geoff and I discuss how to make technology better.
11th April 2022 - QuaranCon2022 SPFBO Finalists Panel
Panelist spot on QuaranCon2022 with my fellow SPFBO7 finalists, hosted by the 2020 winner Justin Lee Anderson. We chat about our writing journey and reflect on our personal experiences after taking part in this fantastic competition.
3rd April 2022 - Author Interviews Feature
My feature on Michael S Jackson’s excellent Author Interviews website. This interview is part of a series focusing on the SPFBO 7 Finalists and we look at my influences, writing habits and the mayhem caused by my headstrong characters. The article also gives you a chance to read excerpts from my novels Hall of Bones and Sundered Souls.
26th March 2022 - Page Chewing hosted by Steve Talks Books & PL Stuart
I’m reunited with PL Stuart and Steve Talks Books for this episode of their YouTube podcast. Brilliant author HL Tinsley guests alongside me for a fun discussion about all things book-related.
7th March 2022 - Interview by PL Stuart
My interview with fellow author PL Stuart, where I answer some wide-ranging questions on writing and life in general as part of his Six Elementals series.
2nd March 2022 - Steve Talks Books Podcast
Steve is a great interviewer and I could have talked to him all day. In this episode of his podcast we talked about fantasy, being a SPFBO finalist, inspirations, why characters matter, fantasy tropes, how long Hall of Bones took to write (spoiler alert - it took years), Dungeons & Dragons and much more!
30th January 2022 - TBRCon 2022 SPFBO Finalists Panel
Hosted by FanFi Addict the online TBRCon 2022 conference featured all sorts of events, including this panel involving the SPFBO7 Finalists. This was a really fun and interesting discussion covering writing advice, routes to publication and which books the finalists recommend.
28th January 2022 - Under the Radar SFF Podcast
Under the Radar SFF Books was one of the first blogs to pick up on Hall of Bones. In this podcast episode we look at what influenced my writing, reveal how little research I’m prepared to do for the sake of art and my plans for the future once The Brotherhood of the Eagle series is completed.
16th December 2021 - Swords & Sports Podcast
My first ever video interview, covering a wide range of topics including beer, the InkWalker Collective, what it’s like not being famous, reaching the SPFBO finals and discussing my novel, Hall of Bones. Mike won a Stabby Award for his show and deservedly so. I was lucky to get the chance to be involved in such a great series.
12th December 2021 - Fantasy Book Critic
An SPFBO Finalist interview for Fantasy Book Critic, discussing my novel Hall of Bones, my experiences of the SPFBO writing contest and indie publishing in general.
11th November 2021 - Bjørn Larssen
My guest #Norsevember post on fellow author Bjørn Larssen’s website, looking at the popular trend for Norse inspired fantasy.
7th November 2021 - Spells & Spaceships
An interview with Alex from Spells & Spaceships as part of his #Norsevember event.
26th September 2021 - Esme Weatherwax Interview
Featuring my reading recommendations, beer, pets, church architecture and other random stuff.
17th September 2021 - Bookworm Blues
My feature on fellow author and professional editor Sarah Chorn’s Friday Interview slot.
6th September 2021 - Sherrie Cronin
A short guest piece on the topic of being surprised by your own writing.
16th August 2021 - Lelita Baldock
Guest Blog Spot, discussing the inspiration behind my novels and my creative process.
10th July 2021 - Lynn’s Books
Author interview plus a bonus content post featuring an excerpt from Hall of Bones.
10th March 2021 - Emily Inkpen
Interview with fellow author, Emily Inkpen, discussing my involvement in the InkWalker Collective musical project side quest.